Our Services

Daily Planned Activities

Activities at DayBreak are held daily and are customized to the needs of each participant so as to assist in the physical, emotional, social, and mental stimulus that seniors need to maintain independence, mental sharpness, and overall good health.

The DayBreak activities program provides a mix of the following types of activities:

Social activities that provide opportunities for social interaction, friendship formation, and caring relationships.
Cultural activities that contribute to a sense of self-worth and connection to community or society.
Educational activities that provide opportunities to learn new ideas and to possibly rekindle old skills.
Therapeutic activities, such as art, crafts, music, playing with pets, and gardening that nurture the human spirit and allow for personal expressions of emotions and feelings.
Recreation activities that refresh the mind or body, amuse the individual, and stimulate pleasant thoughts and attitudes.
Opportunities for rest, relaxation and individual time to engage in personal preference

Assistance with Basic Health Needs, Wellness and Nutrition

DayBreak’s ratio will never be beyond 1:6, so we have the unique opportunity to develop trusting and unique relationships with each of our participants. Following the nurse evaluation, an Individual Service Plan is created for each participant to promote maintenance of physical, social, and mental functioning. The staff, participant, and caregiver meet a minimum of every three months to discuss service needs of participants.

DayBreak Direct Care Staff consists of trained and compassionate Certified Nursing Assistants who are responsible for:

● Monitoring participants for changes in behavior, health status daily, activity engagement, food/water intake, daily.

● Serving lunch, morning and afternoon snacks and beverages daily.

● Supervising medication administrating during DayBreak hours.

● Supporting with any incontinent care, personal hygiene, transferring and other basic health needs.

● Assisting with any activities so each participant feels included.

Support for Caregivers

I’m caring for someone full time. Now what? The first thing to recognize is you are not alone! Relying on resources available in the community can aid in supporting you and your loved one’s mental, physical and emotional health. DayBreak Senior Services allows caregivers the chance to enjoy a break from their daily responsibilities of caregiver. This can hopefully prevent caregivers from experiencing burnout. Caregiver burnout can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression and left unaddressed can lead to serious consequences, including elder abuse. When you take a break for the day, you can be better engaged when your loved one returns home. This can lead to strengthened relationships and opportunities for new conversations.

To support caregivers, we created a Caregiver Roadmap to help you navigate all the twists and turns of caregiving and finding joy along the journey.


DayBreak Senior Services uses a six-passenger van and a luxury sedan for participant field trips and outings. If you require transportation to and from DayBreak, we have partnered with Suzy’s Senior Companionship Services who can help with any transportation needs, including wheelchair accessible vehicles. DayBreak has a contracted rate of $20 one way for all DayBreak participants. Contact Suzy’s Seniors to inquire about services: 801-540-2077 suzy@suzyseniorservices.org